A new module is available in your Design part : the "Division" module allows you to order your modules as you never imagined it !
Acting as a container, this module will offer you to put side by side 2 modules (in the central column, header and footer).
You will be able, for example in the header zone, to add a login box in front of your title, by managing the spacing and the position.
In the central column, you can also use it to put your "Latest articles" module next to your Front page: everything is allowed !
Acting as a container, this module will offer you to put side by side 2 modules (in the central column, header and footer).
You will be able, for example in the header zone, to add a login box in front of your title, by managing the spacing and the position.
In the central column, you can also use it to put your "Latest articles" module next to your Front page: everything is allowed !

Following an increasingly keen demand, we completely re-examined the webservice Newsletter to bring a modular architecture to it.
How for your Home Page, you will be now able to build a pagination to measure!
Concretely, the possibilities are infinite. Define the number of columns and their appearance, add as many modules as you want : last comments, photo album, or products of your shop...
This innovation will surely give to your messages a professional side by generating an HTML page similar to your website in the letter-box of your recipients.
Side Back office, you lay 2 new menus "Design" and "Background/Gabarit" in the Webservice>Newsletter part. The use should be easy because the ergonomics is like the Design one.
Be careful
The newsletter will not have exactly the same appearance that the former version. It is different because it don't have anymore the culumn available by default.
But a few clics will be enough to restore your column, its colors and the contents.
As in the Design, the drop-down menu of the central column makes it possible to add columns on the left or on the right.
For many of you, this usefull webservice will bring you traffic. Know that we propose the best capacity ratio of send/price of all the market (up to 10 times less expensive!).
Some technicals details
Gillian configured the mail server so that it is able to distribute its task between all our servers available as soon as the list of emission lengthens.
Indeed in the domain of e-mail diffusion it is not the power of the server sender which is important but the response time of the recipients' servers. It is better to have several servers than only a powerful one.
That enables us to distribute massive sendings of newsletter very quickly.
How for your Home Page, you will be now able to build a pagination to measure!
Concretely, the possibilities are infinite. Define the number of columns and their appearance, add as many modules as you want : last comments, photo album, or products of your shop...
This innovation will surely give to your messages a professional side by generating an HTML page similar to your website in the letter-box of your recipients.
Side Back office, you lay 2 new menus "Design" and "Background/Gabarit" in the Webservice>Newsletter part. The use should be easy because the ergonomics is like the Design one.
Be careful
The newsletter will not have exactly the same appearance that the former version. It is different because it don't have anymore the culumn available by default.
But a few clics will be enough to restore your column, its colors and the contents.
As in the Design, the drop-down menu of the central column makes it possible to add columns on the left or on the right.
For many of you, this usefull webservice will bring you traffic. Know that we propose the best capacity ratio of send/price of all the market (up to 10 times less expensive!).
Some technicals details
Gillian configured the mail server so that it is able to distribute its task between all our servers available as soon as the list of emission lengthens.
Indeed in the domain of e-mail diffusion it is not the power of the server sender which is important but the response time of the recipients' servers. It is better to have several servers than only a powerful one.
That enables us to distribute massive sendings of newsletter very quickly.

We have improved the management of the modules design ( cf. note of June 24th ) adding a positioning to the background image.
By default, the image is repeated in all the module, but by clicking the mosaic you can position it in 9 zones.
Click again the activated zone and the image will be applied on background as previously.
A small improvement which will be very useful for some of you...
By default, the image is repeated in all the module, but by clicking the mosaic you can position it in 9 zones.
Click again the activated zone and the image will be applied on background as previously.
A small improvement which will be very useful for some of you...

Big evolution for all the designers and other amateurs of graphism...
After headings and feets of module, here is a feature which will change certainly the aspect of your pages : from now on all the modules can contain a background image!
Available as much on the home as in the pages of navigation, you just have to show your artist's talents to create even more colored pages...
This feature is available in the part DESIGN, inside the tab " Module design ".
Other novelty : to aerate the presentation of your content inside these modules, a value of spacing was added.
After headings and feets of module, here is a feature which will change certainly the aspect of your pages : from now on all the modules can contain a background image!
Available as much on the home as in the pages of navigation, you just have to show your artist's talents to create even more colored pages...
This feature is available in the part DESIGN, inside the tab " Module design ".
Other novelty : to aerate the presentation of your content inside these modules, a value of spacing was added.
The new field "Notice" has just made its appearance in the form. 14 different fields are available now to create a form. This last one does not have a revolutionary function but remains quite useful. It has only one function of making a remark, title, etc.. This can enable you to make separations between various blocks of answers.
This field respects page-setting, and the HTML code.
This field respects page-setting, and the HTML code.

After reading an excellent article on Abondance wich is a search engine specialised website, we are proud to enable Google SiteMap in our Content Management System.
Here is an extract of the news :
"Google has launch a new service called 'Google Sitemaps' wich provide a better referencing on the search engine. It concist to create an XML file in google sitemap's format wich contain a list of all page that google can index. When a page is modified, the XML file is modified too in order to provide fresh, recent content."
We are certainly the first CMS who support Sitemap's technology. All WebzineMaker websites can use it from now. Go to your backoffice in order to enable it!
The address of the XML site map is as follow :
Here is an extract of the news :
"Google has launch a new service called 'Google Sitemaps' wich provide a better referencing on the search engine. It concist to create an XML file in google sitemap's format wich contain a list of all page that google can index. When a page is modified, the XML file is modified too in order to provide fresh, recent content."
We are certainly the first CMS who support Sitemap's technology. All WebzineMaker websites can use it from now. Go to your backoffice in order to enable it!
The address of the XML site map is as follow :

The organization in paragraph in the articles is very useful when someone wants to simply attach a picture to a paragraph.
On the other hand it was complicated to modify the structure of an article once created. To invert 2 pictures, you had to delete and Re-upload them.
We have added a small arrow which will enable you to change the order of the paragraphs. In a click on the arrow, you can move up or down the selected paragraph. This function is accessible in “modification” only.
It is a small improvement which we hope will save you time!
On the other hand it was complicated to modify the structure of an article once created. To invert 2 pictures, you had to delete and Re-upload them.
We have added a small arrow which will enable you to change the order of the paragraphs. In a click on the arrow, you can move up or down the selected paragraph. This function is accessible in “modification” only.
It is a small improvement which we hope will save you time!

A little of gaiety in your articles, you can colour clearly in your paragraphs in articles to highlight them.
Click here to see an example
Click here to see an example
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Ken le 01/25/2014
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Andrea le 09/05/2013
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Florian le 05/02/2012
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Jerome Granados le 02/16/2012
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masoud le 02/16/2012
Did you activate your author page?
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