We wanted to talk about our mobile road map to let you know what's going on. We're working on both, site and back office side for mobile.
- Website (front office): there is a big buzz about Responsive Web Design (RWD), but there is actually various technologies to make your mobile site.
- Back office: the most effective technology is the Native technology, a soft dedicated to the Operating System of your smart phone.
- Back office: the most effective technology is the Native technology, a soft dedicated to the Operating System of your smart phone.
Today WMaker offers a new feature: the sticky zone, which is a new space navigation! Don't worry , we'll explain everything to you.
This super cool option allows you to add a new navigation bar in your site. You will tell me, but what's the point? Well a lot of things.
In this new space, you will have the opportunity :
- To integrate your logo, it will always be displayed on your site.
- To add more modules, WMaker gives you the ability to add your own sections that you want to appear in your sticky zone. If you would like to use the items of your navigation bar you can simply add its content. By cons, if you want the items to be different, it is also possible. We give the flexibility to everyone, there's something for everybody ;) But do not worry , we give you tips below!
- To customize this area.
Here are some examples to help you get a better picture:
- Frandroid: www.frandroid.com
- Tech Togs : www.techtogs.fr
This new space will give some freshness to your site in a simple way . There will be no repetition because your sticky zone does not appear along with your navigation bar, but if you want, it can have the same role.
This super cool option allows you to add a new navigation bar in your site. You will tell me, but what's the point? Well a lot of things.
In this new space, you will have the opportunity :
- To integrate your logo, it will always be displayed on your site.
- To add more modules, WMaker gives you the ability to add your own sections that you want to appear in your sticky zone. If you would like to use the items of your navigation bar you can simply add its content. By cons, if you want the items to be different, it is also possible. We give the flexibility to everyone, there's something for everybody ;) But do not worry , we give you tips below!
- To customize this area.
Here are some examples to help you get a better picture:
- Frandroid: www.frandroid.com
- Tech Togs : www.techtogs.fr
This new space will give some freshness to your site in a simple way . There will be no repetition because your sticky zone does not appear along with your navigation bar, but if you want, it can have the same role.
Did you notice that you had a brand new module in your back office? It is a module that displays content, it is called Slideshow.
The module Slideshow offers a new display mode that will completely change the homepage of your site or WebTV. Its main purpose being to transform your homepage into one more attractive, by offering several options to display in an elegant way your illustration and slogan.
Lets see this in details.
The module Slideshow offers a new display mode that will completely change the homepage of your site or WebTV. Its main purpose being to transform your homepage into one more attractive, by offering several options to display in an elegant way your illustration and slogan.
Lets see this in details.

Following the last update of Twitter API , Jim took this opportunity to improve the display and features of the module Last tweets.
This is about the display Twitter official of the module.
You can still display either your timeline or favourites, but what's new and great is the fact that you can now also display tweets from one of your list or Search result!!!
Meaning you can choose a timeline source not coming only from your tweets.
This is about the display Twitter official of the module.
You can still display either your timeline or favourites, but what's new and great is the fact that you can now also display tweets from one of your list or Search result!!!
Meaning you can choose a timeline source not coming only from your tweets.

A couple of weeks ago, some of you updated your browser Firefox and got the unpleasant surprise to see your spell check disabled on the back office.
Even though it was Firefox update, you came back to us via the support about it and our developers started to work on it.
We didn't find much on internet about it, but Jim took care of it.
he quickly fixed this problem, and now the spell check is available again on WMaker back office with Firefox :)
Note, it doesn't correct the grammar, only the spelling mistake :(
Even though it was Firefox update, you came back to us via the support about it and our developers started to work on it.
We didn't find much on internet about it, but Jim took care of it.
he quickly fixed this problem, and now the spell check is available again on WMaker back office with Firefox :)
Note, it doesn't correct the grammar, only the spelling mistake :(
Xpert and Pro offers enable to see several banners in a campaign, but so far, banners turned according to the priority chosen at each page refresh.
From today, you can choose to display all your banners in turn without having to refresh the page.
From today, you can choose to display all your banners in turn without having to refresh the page.
Returns from the summer holidays are starting, this is it, CampusPlex becomes full again! From today, everybody is back to work and a good few developments are in the pipeline.
With the end of holidays, comes big meetings, we'll keep you updated as work proceeds :)
Below a little Vine showing our new screens in test phase.
With the end of holidays, comes big meetings, we'll keep you updated as work proceeds :)
Below a little Vine showing our new screens in test phase.

For users of Pro offers, you now have the option to set up a subscription system on the same principle as the CMS.
Seb2 began to work on it as soon as he came back from holiday so that everything would be ready for the end of summer :)
You can now set a temporary access to your content. There are two types of subscription:
A fixed-period subscription (for a specified number of days),
A points-based subscription (a quota of points which the visitor can 'spend' to view content)
You can choose between one or the other to allow access to restricted parts of your WebTV.
Seb2 began to work on it as soon as he came back from holiday so that everything would be ready for the end of summer :)
You can now set a temporary access to your content. There are two types of subscription:
A fixed-period subscription (for a specified number of days),
A points-based subscription (a quota of points which the visitor can 'spend' to view content)
You can choose between one or the other to allow access to restricted parts of your WebTV.
Last tweets
Last comments
Ken le 01/25/2014
Add chapters to your videos
Andrea le 09/05/2013
Add chapters to your videos
Florian le 05/02/2012
Lastest novelties of the month
Jerome Granados le 02/16/2012
Did you activate your author page?
masoud le 02/16/2012
Did you activate your author page?
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Search Engine Optimization
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