This post will please our Blog+ subscribers. We've added a very interesting functionality which permits generating incomes from your website: the insertion of advertising between your blog posts.
More precisely, we've overhauled totally the "my posts" module. Thanks to this module, a simply solution to display advertising is available to you. It's an alternative to the use of the container module or the advertising manager webservice ( available from the Xpert portal ).
In the "my posts" module > functionnalities > more parameters you'll find a field to add your advertising between your posts. Insert text or html code in this field.
More precisely, we've overhauled totally the "my posts" module. Thanks to this module, a simply solution to display advertising is available to you. It's an alternative to the use of the container module or the advertising manager webservice ( available from the Xpert portal ).
In the "my posts" module > functionnalities > more parameters you'll find a field to add your advertising between your posts. Insert text or html code in this field.

Two options for your advertising display:
1. Every other post. It's the upper image exemple. In this exemple I display an advertising marquee stocked in DESIGN> my documents.
2. Only below the first 2 posts. We recommand you use this option if you want to display some adsense. It will permit recpect the google conditions of use, that limit the display number of adsense blocks, on a same page.
Below, a screen capture of the module parameters.
1. Every other post. It's the upper image exemple. In this exemple I display an advertising marquee stocked in DESIGN> my documents.
2. Only below the first 2 posts. We recommand you use this option if you want to display some adsense. It will permit recpect the google conditions of use, that limit the display number of adsense blocks, on a same page.
Below, a screen capture of the module parameters.

Other improvements for the module
In the module former version, a lot of design options were dispatched in the functionality and font menus.
We've gathered all those options in the DESIGN menu, which is now richer.
In this menu you'll find a color selection palette and your choice visual preview.
The wallpaper choice is also available in Design, opening the module skin options.
Last point, the skin module has been divided in 3 zones.
We've gathered all those options in the DESIGN menu, which is now richer.
In this menu you'll find a color selection palette and your choice visual preview.
The wallpaper choice is also available in Design, opening the module skin options.
Last point, the skin module has been divided in 3 zones.
- the header zone: it contains the post title
- the center zone: the post body
- the footer zone: this zone contains the publication information (author, date, comments,...)