All the blogs are talking about it. Google has released its own Web browser.
We already have questions in the technic support concerning its compatibility with WMaker. It's a Beta version, thus it's still bugged, even if Google took the safari renderer.
You noticed few display bugs. Thanks to warm us about the problems you could meet, and we'll find the astutes to have a similiar display as the other browsers. But it's also up to google to work on its browser.
We have tested this browser too. By the way, I've found it a very good and ergonomic idea to place the tabs on the top of the address bar. It comes out of it a impression of simplicity.
You can read all over the Web that it has a extremely powerfull javascript engine nammed V8. We've made a performance test on the Web and it results that Chrome is very fast, twice as Firefox after the
Bench Test.
But the Javascript engine is young and generates problems with some functions of the backoffice. We've faced the same problem with Safari which took a year to reach Firefox and IE level.
Competition is rude, firefox has just announced a Javascript engine even faster for its 3.1 version. This competition is useful, Javascript is playing for a big part in the web applications, and so in our CMS. It permits to have a user experience close to a soft. To be clear, your site administration will be faster very soon.
Behind this Javascript engine, the technic stakes are hight, because it's a pillar of what we call WebOs. The WebOs is replacing Windows, MacOs, Linux by a browser, all applications being online.
It's good news, because, it's thinking about this, that we chose in 2001 to create a CMS with a 100% Web administration. Today it makes full sens!
For a conclusion, Chrome is a beautiful browser, with a bunch of good ideas, but, as all softs, it needs some months to be adjusted, specialy for the Javascript.
We already have questions in the technic support concerning its compatibility with WMaker. It's a Beta version, thus it's still bugged, even if Google took the safari renderer.
You noticed few display bugs. Thanks to warm us about the problems you could meet, and we'll find the astutes to have a similiar display as the other browsers. But it's also up to google to work on its browser.
We have tested this browser too. By the way, I've found it a very good and ergonomic idea to place the tabs on the top of the address bar. It comes out of it a impression of simplicity.
You can read all over the Web that it has a extremely powerfull javascript engine nammed V8. We've made a performance test on the Web and it results that Chrome is very fast, twice as Firefox after the
Bench Test.
But the Javascript engine is young and generates problems with some functions of the backoffice. We've faced the same problem with Safari which took a year to reach Firefox and IE level.
Competition is rude, firefox has just announced a Javascript engine even faster for its 3.1 version. This competition is useful, Javascript is playing for a big part in the web applications, and so in our CMS. It permits to have a user experience close to a soft. To be clear, your site administration will be faster very soon.
Behind this Javascript engine, the technic stakes are hight, because it's a pillar of what we call WebOs. The WebOs is replacing Windows, MacOs, Linux by a browser, all applications being online.
It's good news, because, it's thinking about this, that we chose in 2001 to create a CMS with a 100% Web administration. Today it makes full sens!
For a conclusion, Chrome is a beautiful browser, with a bunch of good ideas, but, as all softs, it needs some months to be adjusted, specialy for the Javascript.