cc flickr by Thairms
The functions of the internal mailbox related to your website SNS have recently been extended .
Until now, the internal mailbox has been available in front office for website members only. Now it’s also accessible in the back office. Henceforth, the editorial team possesses their own internal communication tool.
Until now, the internal mailbox has been available in front office for website members only. Now it’s also accessible in the back office. Henceforth, the editorial team possesses their own internal communication tool.
Send messages to other editorial team members

At your back office Home page, you can have a look at the number of new messages in your internal mailbox.
The internal mailbox can be very useful while working between editorial team members. Standard features (display, sort and delete) are available for received messages. You can also forward a message to any member of the editorial team.
The internal mailbox can be very useful while working between editorial team members. Standard features (display, sort and delete) are available for received messages. You can also forward a message to any member of the editorial team.
Subscribers to the website can send a message to the editorial team
It’s also possible to use this mailbox while communicating with front office members.
Notice that any member of the editorial team can send a message to everyone, whether it’s a front office or back office member.
On the contrary, so that a front office member could send a message to an editorial team member, the latter should specify beforehand that he accepts messages from website subscribers.
To do this, he needs to change to "Yes" the setting "SNS mailbox" in his profile settings. (Management > Editorial team > Modify team)
The address book distinguishes the messages from editorial team members from the website members’ messages so that to avoid the addressee errors.
Notice that any member of the editorial team can send a message to everyone, whether it’s a front office or back office member.
On the contrary, so that a front office member could send a message to an editorial team member, the latter should specify beforehand that he accepts messages from website subscribers.
To do this, he needs to change to "Yes" the setting "SNS mailbox" in his profile settings. (Management > Editorial team > Modify team)
The address book distinguishes the messages from editorial team members from the website members’ messages so that to avoid the addressee errors.

And lastly: attached files, contextual search engine
From now on, an extra feature is available for all the users of the internal mailbox. Thus, they can now attach files to their messages.
We have also upgraded the front office search engine, which became contextual. When you are in your mailbox, it searches in your mails, and when you are on the members page, it searches the members etc.
We have also upgraded the front office search engine, which became contextual. When you are in your mailbox, it searches in your mails, and when you are on the members page, it searches the members etc.