The internet advertising global market is constantly changing. According to eMarketer that published a study on the online advertising market in 2013, 119.52 billion dollars have been spent worldwide last year.
To be more explicit, this means that online advertising can allow you to make money on your site. That's why you can from the Xpert offer add easily your banner ads on your favourite CMS from the webservice Advertising network.
Some of you are already familiar with this webservice, and needed very much more constrained diffusion, well it's done! You could set a period of validity for displaying your ads, you can now also choose to set a display of your banners based on the number of clicks or views :)
To be more explicit, this means that online advertising can allow you to make money on your site. That's why you can from the Xpert offer add easily your banner ads on your favourite CMS from the webservice Advertising network.
Some of you are already familiar with this webservice, and needed very much more constrained diffusion, well it's done! You could set a period of validity for displaying your ads, you can now also choose to set a display of your banners based on the number of clicks or views :)

Indeed, for those who have never used the Advertising network webservice, it may not be very clear, so quickly here is how it works:
Online advertising is usually done in several formats, those that concern us here are the most common : the banners or text formats on the CMS or WebTV . To display ads and be paid, you must initially go through a company specialised, an Advertiser like Google AdSense for example. You can then get your banner ads from the advertiser and display them on your site via the webservice advertising network .
There is different types of wages, the most common are CPC (cost per click) or CPM (Cost Per Mille, according to the number of display banner) the latter being recommended for sites with good traffic or either CPA (cost-per-action) also known as pay-per-performance (PPM) or cost-per-acquisition (CPA), the advertiser only pays out if a user clicks and does a specific Action.
Online advertising is usually done in several formats, those that concern us here are the most common : the banners or text formats on the CMS or WebTV . To display ads and be paid, you must initially go through a company specialised, an Advertiser like Google AdSense for example. You can then get your banner ads from the advertiser and display them on your site via the webservice advertising network .
There is different types of wages, the most common are CPC (cost per click) or CPM (Cost Per Mille, according to the number of display banner) the latter being recommended for sites with good traffic or either CPA (cost-per-action) also known as pay-per-performance (PPM) or cost-per-acquisition (CPA), the advertiser only pays out if a user clicks and does a specific Action.
Seb2, made possible six months ago to automatically reload your banners in a module Advertising without the need to reload your page, this month, he gives you access to 2 more type of diffusion constraints that will prove themselves most useful depending on your advertiser :)