You surely noticed this small green logo which has been on your sites for one week, it has been from now on official: We launch the mobile version!
We didn't forget to provide you tools to refer this innovation. Indeed this version is accompanied by Google Sitemaps Mobile.
This version results from your flow XML, its presentation and its navigation was adapted to the screens of small cuts. Thus any peripheral able to post a page XHTML BASIC (it is the case of the PDA and any recent telephone) will be able to consult your last news.
How can you reach it?
For the fields which are lodged on our premises you created under field dedicated to the mobile version:
This URL is very short, simple to retain and thus easy to type on your telephone.
Look at what that gives on our blog!
What is it ?

The image that you see here it's a gencode 3d. It is posted in top ofthe mobile version when it is viewed by a normal navigator.
Theaddress of your site is coded inside. This gencode is readable bycertain telephones, that makes it possible to put your site infavourites only by photographing the image!
Google sitemap
Google proposes a search engine dedicated to the mobiles.
Thus it's naturally that we propose a sitemap especially dedicated to this google:)
Theaddress referred on your account google can be visible in the section"Referencing" of your management. The key of control google sitemap andsitemap of the normal site is the same one.
That arrives, currently we journalize the traffic your flows mobile, wewill open the page having the first results in one week, just time toobtain pretty graphs:)