Moving to a new datacenter

Jerome Granados on Friday, April 11th 2008 I 0 Comment

Second reminder

We remind you that WMaker moves its servers to a new datacenter (see the first reminder )

The planning of this move gets more precise. In order to minimize the disruptions, we will move the servers step by step. This transfer will occur from Friday, April 25th to Monday, April 28th.

Friday, April 25th and Saturday, April 26th, we will prepare our 2 new bays in the new datacenter. We will prepare them to receive the architecture of the application. We will also add new hardware in order to increase our capacities.

During the afternoon on Sunday, April 27th, we will set a minimal architecture, which will be able to run when the traffic on your site is low (during the week-end).

SUNDAY, APRIL 27th from MIDNIGHT (GMT+2), the service will be unavailable because we will transfer the full architecture. The service will come up around 05:00 AM (GMT+2) on Monday, April 28th. We recommend you to organize yourself so that you do not have to update your sites during the transfer.

On Monday, April 28th, in the morning (GMT+2), your site will be online and you will be able to access your backends.

By operating as described, we hope that the disruptions of service will be less annoying for you. The shutdown on Sunday cannot be avoided. Please, keep the date and the maintenance period in mind.

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