For all food and cooking lovers this template is for you :)
With its bright colours and stremalined format, this new template theme will hustle our collection.
For the skeptics, I think this design will finally convince you to the efficiency and aesthetics aspect of headlines modules in title area. But hey, as they say, too much effect kills the effect, so for the next template the organization and modes of display will be different ... I shall say no more :)
We also used this opportunity to highlight the recent work of Laurent on the Dropdown menu, to remain in harmony with the transition of the headlines module, we used a fade effect that is really the spirit of this template.
And to finish, in this design this is the return of the footer with a multi-column fully dedicated to sharing on social networks.
See the demo
With its bright colours and stremalined format, this new template theme will hustle our collection.
For the skeptics, I think this design will finally convince you to the efficiency and aesthetics aspect of headlines modules in title area. But hey, as they say, too much effect kills the effect, so for the next template the organization and modes of display will be different ... I shall say no more :)
We also used this opportunity to highlight the recent work of Laurent on the Dropdown menu, to remain in harmony with the transition of the headlines module, we used a fade effect that is really the spirit of this template.
And to finish, in this design this is the return of the footer with a multi-column fully dedicated to sharing on social networks.
See the demo