Quick Help

Quick help is a new way to consult the online help. It's a tag wall. It enables finding quickly the answer to your questions.
Tags are classifieds in alphabetical order. The key words that lead to a same answer can be diferent, so that anyone is able to reach the information.
For an exemple, the help that enables you setting your messaging will be reachable from the following words : email, mail, iPhone, pop3, smtp.
Quick help is accessible clicking on the help link, on the right top corner of your backoffice, and then, enter the sub menu Help Center > Quick help (left menu).
Tags are classifieds in alphabetical order. The key words that lead to a same answer can be diferent, so that anyone is able to reach the information.
For an exemple, the help that enables you setting your messaging will be reachable from the following words : email, mail, iPhone, pop3, smtp.
Quick help is accessible clicking on the help link, on the right top corner of your backoffice, and then, enter the sub menu Help Center > Quick help (left menu).
Help Center

Depending on the novelties or your way to browse, we also propose 2 new ways to reach quickly the help:
- The last published
- The most popular
The "most popular" block is dynamic. Displayed in the help homepage, it will display the helps the most consulted. Displayed in a help section ("quick start guide" for an exemple), it will display the helps the most consulted of the category.
Because of all those novelties, we've gathered all the help tools in a new menu in the backoffice, called Help Center.
The help center is composed of the support, the online help and the quick help.
To reach it, keep operating the same: click on support, as well as help.
- The last published
- The most popular
The "most popular" block is dynamic. Displayed in the help homepage, it will display the helps the most consulted. Displayed in a help section ("quick start guide" for an exemple), it will display the helps the most consulted of the category.
Because of all those novelties, we've gathered all the help tools in a new menu in the backoffice, called Help Center.
The help center is composed of the support, the online help and the quick help.
To reach it, keep operating the same: click on support, as well as help.
A new search engine.
The search engine has been totally overhauled. It was the main problem of the online help. We've spent a lot of time working on it to make the results the most relevant possible.
Let's use those tools. Keep sending occasionally a message to Jérôme or Lesia, otherwise they could get bored ;)
Let's use those tools. Keep sending occasionally a message to Jérôme or Lesia, otherwise they could get bored ;)