Restriction and micro-paiement for WebTV

Sébastien Perez (Seb2) on Wednesday, May 22nd 2013 I 0 Comment

Restriction and micro-paiement for WebTV
After the improvement of restricted content on the CMS, it is the turn of the WebTV to take advantage of this new feature:
It is now possible to provide an overview of the restricted videos.
Here are the details:

A brand new bloc to display restricted content

Restriction and micro-paiement for WebTV
You now have two ways to restrict the videos of your Webtv according to your offer:
The restriction by profling:
Only registrants to your site, after registering online or login in can access the restricted content.
The restriction by Micropayments: access to content is available only after the payment online.

Fully set your page to access restricted content

Restriction and micro-paiement for WebTV
To do this go to the menu Design > Design WebTV>  Restricted Section.
These settings will be applied for all 3 cases of restrictions.

In the functionality tab, you can select the drop down menu to display either the standart block (no content) or a more complet preview (Thumbnails and headlines summary) before accessing the video.
The display of the preview will be the one set on the video's page.

The "Explicative text" is composed by 2 links allowing you to set the block depending on the restriction.

Restriction and micro-paiement for WebTV
For instance, the link Set micro-payment messages.
This link will take you directly to the page of the back office to set the text block that allows you to access to the restricted section in the case of a restriction by Micro-payment.
It is the same for the links to the block in the case of a restriction by profling.
You can set the title of the block, put a message explanation for the extra info and even change the Paypal button label.

Fonts of this block are set from the tab Fonts in the menu Design>  Design WebTV > Restricted Section
The button is set  from the menu Graphical elements.

If you have many restrictions on an article, we will display in order the text (Explicative text) set in the part micro-payment, then the one from the profiling.

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