Flickr by Josh Semans
The option that enables automatic publication on Twitter enjoyed increasing success. Just enter xfru.it in the Twitter search engine to view frequency of use of this option by WM users.
To let you measure twitter impact on traffic to your website, a statistics page has been offered. You can access this page from the menu ADMINISTRATION > Statistics > Twitter Statistics
To let you measure twitter impact on traffic to your website, a statistics page has been offered. You can access this page from the menu ADMINISTRATION > Statistics > Twitter Statistics

Information published on Twitter is short-lived. So the statistics page gives you cumulative data for 8 days.
• The rate (%±) is calculated between the day before yesterday and yesterday.
• The week column corresponds to the number of posts read in the last 8 days.
• The summary shows how many times the article has been read since its publication.
To note: statistics concern only the articles twitted via Twitter API, i.e. clicks on the tweets including an URL xfru.it.
• The rate (%±) is calculated between the day before yesterday and yesterday.
• The week column corresponds to the number of posts read in the last 8 days.
• The summary shows how many times the article has been read since its publication.
To note: statistics concern only the articles twitted via Twitter API, i.e. clicks on the tweets including an URL xfru.it.