Boost your SEO with dynamic META tags
Jerome Granados / Katia Jannin
Type relevant content in the TITLE and META description tags

The content of the TITLE and META description tags participates to the computation of your page relevance. The META Keywords tag counts too but to a lesser extend.
Thus it is really important to fill in those tags with the key word with which you want to be well ranked by the search engines. But concretely, how to do so?
The principle is: from the content you'll use to fill in your site (articles, videos, events, classifieds, shop products, etc...) WMaker will dynamically fill in your TITLE and META description tags, so that the content of those tags will be close to the site content.
First step:
Fill in by yourself the tag content of some of your key pages.
From the MANAGEMENT menu > settings > SEO we propose you to fill in the following forms:
- Site title => is the TITLE tag of your home page.
- Description => is the META description tag of the homepage
Note the apparition of a dropdown menu called Advanced descriptions in the bottom right corner of the description textarea.
This new menu will enable fill in the description of each webservices homepages of your site. For an exemple: the video page, the calendar page, the classifieds page etc...
From the MANAGEMENT menu > settings > SEO we propose you to fill in the following forms:
- Site title => is the TITLE tag of your home page.
- Description => is the META description tag of the homepage
Note the apparition of a dropdown menu called Advanced descriptions in the bottom right corner of the description textarea.
This new menu will enable fill in the description of each webservices homepages of your site. For an exemple: the video page, the calendar page, the classifieds page etc...
Step 2: Work as usual, WMaker dynamically generates the tag content.
From the content you'll produce, we'll dynamically fill in the TITLE tags and META descrition tags of your website pages.
The important point is to fill in those tags with a content that matches the most the content of your pages. Here's the rules we set up:
For the TITLE tag:
Title of the element | Name of the Webservice | Title of the site
Exemple for the classified "planeur F3F SNIPER" from the webservice "the classifieds" of the site RC Pilot Webzine
Planeur F3F SNIPER | Classifieds | RC Pilot Webzine
For the META description tag
The 200 first characters that describe the element.
If there's no description of the element, then we fill in the tag with the description gave at the first step.
If there's no description of the webservice (blank form in "advanced description" at the first step), we fill the tag with the description of the site.
If there's nothing in the website description ... then we can't help you anymore :)
In short that means that we'll use the texts of your classifieds, the description of your events, the explaination associated with a photo, etc...
The important point is to fill in those tags with a content that matches the most the content of your pages. Here's the rules we set up:
For the TITLE tag:
Title of the element | Name of the Webservice | Title of the site
Exemple for the classified "planeur F3F SNIPER" from the webservice "the classifieds" of the site RC Pilot Webzine
Planeur F3F SNIPER | Classifieds | RC Pilot Webzine
For the META description tag
The 200 first characters that describe the element.
If there's no description of the element, then we fill in the tag with the description gave at the first step.
If there's no description of the webservice (blank form in "advanced description" at the first step), we fill the tag with the description of the site.
If there's nothing in the website description ... then we can't help you anymore :)
In short that means that we'll use the texts of your classifieds, the description of your events, the explaination associated with a photo, etc...
For the articles and sections
The title and description tag dynamic generation already applied on the articles and sections.
For the sections, the used form is the one of the section description in CONTENT > sections and tags > sections. Remember to give your sections relevant titles and to associate them a description.
For the articles, the Title tag was filled with the title of the article. And till now, the Meta description was the leading or the description of the site if the leading was empty.
We've improved that system a little. Here are the new priorities to fill the META description of the pages article.
Leading if empty
Summary on the headlines if empty
200 first characters of the first paragraph if empty
Description of the site
Now let's improve your referencing !!!
For the sections, the used form is the one of the section description in CONTENT > sections and tags > sections. Remember to give your sections relevant titles and to associate them a description.
For the articles, the Title tag was filled with the title of the article. And till now, the Meta description was the leading or the description of the site if the leading was empty.
We've improved that system a little. Here are the new priorities to fill the META description of the pages article.
Leading if empty
Summary on the headlines if empty
200 first characters of the first paragraph if empty
Description of the site
Now let's improve your referencing !!!