Blog WMaker
Did you activate your author page?

Jerome Granados

Did you activate your author page?
The author page  is the page that lists all the articles you wrote on your site. For example, here's a link to my author page on WMaker's blog:

This page is structured as follows:
- Author's Name
- Photo associated with the Account ID followed by a customizable description
- Links to various profiles of the author in social networks
- List of articles written by the author on the site

This page is not activated by default, to activate it, edit the tab "
Informations about the website" from your profile page in the back office.

Author page settings
Did you activate your author page?
1 / First, activate the author page

2 / Choose the URL of your author page.
By default we offer  FirstName-Name as it was entered in your profile page, but this is editable. Choose Wisely :)

3 / Enter a description
This is the text that will be added to the right of your photo.

4 / Link your author page with your Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google +

Once the page is activated and set, the author's name is clickable in the articles. This click will take you to the author page.

Note: If when writing an article, you choose to fill in the field "Free Author" then the article will not be attached to your author page.

The rel=author tag
Did you activate your author page?
Now, a quick tip for Google+ users

When creating the author
page, we decided to use new tags "Authorship" in HTML5. These are tags that define the author of a web page.

Google is relying on the content of these tags to refine search results and also change the presentation of results.

In the very near future, during a search, users will be able to view your picture next to a result, as in the example below.

To ensure the correct identification of an article's author, Google is seeking to establish a correspondence between the article and the Google + profile of the person. As a result, it is necessary to edit your Google+ profile and add the URL of your author
page on WMaker. Once the link is added, make sure to check the box "This page is specifically about me"

Displaying the author's photo in the results is being deployed by Google smoothly, if you do not appear immediately, do not panic, this will come soon.

Did you activate your author page?
UPDATE : I forgot to mention that if you want your G+ profile photo to be visible in Google search results, you have to make your WM author public in G+

To do so, you have to make available to anyone on the web the links associated to your G+ profile. When you edit your G+ profile, click on the Links box, on the upper right and choose the privacy option "Anyone on the web".

When you're done, you will be able to test if your profile photo is destected by Google in search result. Use this link to test :

For instance, insert an url pointing to an article you have writen on your site.

Did you activate your author page?

Commentaires (9)
1. masoud on 02/16/2012 4:20 PM
hi jerome
is profile activated immediately ?
i have added the rel=author to my websites but they didnt present on google now
what can i do ?
2. Jerome Granados on 02/16/2012 4:26 PM
Adding the rel=author doesn't imply to be present automatically on Google SERPs. But to have a chance to be there, you must add rel=author.

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