Jerome Granados

More and more WMaker users are keen to create their own mobile applications.
This service was launched on June 24, 2010 along with Today twenty applications are online (or under validation by Apple).
These examples of available applications will give you an idea of what you can do with an app. Click on the App Store logo to install them through iTunes or just scan the QR code right from your Android phone for an immediate installation.

The Statistics tool gives more visibility into the use of your mobile applications.
There are uploads and traffic statistics available.
The uploads are provided for Android and iOS. In case of Apple, statistics include both iPhone and iPad uploads.
As concerns the traffic, you can find there some data on the number of visitors and pages viewed.
The graph gives information for the period of 7 consecutive days.
The table shows information per month.
Another new feature is the menu WEBSERVICES > Ads Management > iPhone Apps Management.

All the applications are generic. There are 3 ways of presenting your news: latest posts, most popular posts and favorite posts chosen by the user.
Users can read, post and share their comments via mail, Twitter and Facebook. When launched, the application takes latest content and keeps it in your phone. You can thus view content even when you’re offline.
It’s very easy to get your application at a very competitive price:
- Look through our offer at
- If you have some questions read the FAQ s
- Start creating your app by submitting your graphic elements. You can do it in your back office, menu NETWORK > My Apps
Your Android, iPhone or iPad application will then be created in several days ... and you will be present at the App Store and Android Market !!
Last week announced that 20% of their traffic has come from mobile apps. Certainly, the website has taken advantage of its great presence on the App Store.
It is obvious now that reading the latest news via smartphones has become very current. And this news application usage rate is particularly high in comparison with other type of mobile applications.
The apps for the content sites have a high advertising potential. Today advertising on the Internet is dominated by Google. However, they miss a considerable part of the market, which is local advertising.
Imagine that a nearby boutique offers a discount on the 3 last Diesel jeans (size 34) that they have in stock. This information will be coupled with your navigation history and your GSP position. The customers who have recently made this kind of search and who are located within a radius of 200 m will be aimed. Thereby, a very high conversion rate will be provided .
This is why your investment in applications will pay its way very soon...