Blog WMaker
Langue idioma sprache idiom لغة lingua taal язык lingua 言語

Federi Bernardini

Langue idioma sprache idiom لغة lingua taal язык lingua 言語
Your favorite CMS becomes multilingual! From now on our websites will be available in 10 languages:
French, English, Spanish, Arabic, Japanese, Italian, Dutch, German and Russian; As for Corsican, it will come soon.

And that’s not all…The language could be chosen during your website creation, this functionality has been added to CMS offers and it’s now available for any WMaker portal.

Of course, you can change the language of your website afterwards, as before (related online help has been updated).

As for the back office, it’s now available in 5 languages: French, English, Spanish, Arabic and Japanese. Every member of your team could choose their native (or favorite) language for the back office. This functionality lets you create your international editorial team.

Furthermore, you will be able to choose the language for your blogs, while creating them at your back office or with the “create blog” option.

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