New little Download modules
Jerome Granados / Katia Jannin

Remember, that module enables to display on some pages of your site (often the home), the files you propose your visitors to download.
Since we've started the update of all the webservices of WMaker, we're tried to bring to those modules the same types of functionalities and presentation style.

Classic :
With this mode, you display either the folders or the files. For the file display, several possibilities. You can display the files of all folders, or just one folder.
Tabs and links:
with those modes you display at the same time the folders and the files of the download webservice. The titles of the tabs and links can be modified.
The number of files to display can be customised. It's possible to display or not the meta-information associated to the files:
- the date
- the folder
- the weight
- the icon representing the file extension
Last novelty, when you click on the name of a file from the module, the download is automatically launched. It's the file is restricted, there's a connexion step before.