Blog WMaker
Open an ibox when launching your site

Saveria Maroselli

Today, I would like to talk about a module little known, but very convenient. It is the POP UP module. It enables to show up a specific display when launching your site.

We've added a new feature to this module, an ibox opening, only means to reach your site content.

POP UP module settings
Open an ibox when launching your site
You can add this module only in your site Footer. It is a specific module, you can not see it. It's made to launch the display of an other module.

Modules that can be called by the Pop up module:
- Login box
- Newsletter
- Share my website
- Facebook like box
- Container

Once you selected your module, you can set how it will be displayed.

You can display either in the new popup windows, or in an ibox.
The popup window exists for a while, the novelty is the ibox opening.

Ibox opening
In the case of an ibox, when the visitor comes to the homepage of your site, the selected module is displayed in the centre of the screen. To access to the site, visitors have to do the action aked by the module.

It could be to register to your newsletter, sharing your site on social networks, the login in a login box, etc ...

Once the action done, or the cross checked if the visitor does not wish to do the action, they reach the site and can browse it.

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