Blog WMaker
Social Network Module and other new features

Jerome Granados

cc flickr from 10ch
cc flickr from 10ch
At WMaker, we have a list called "unnoticed new features". It includes all the new features put into production but which have not been promoted, except a couple of tweets by Jerome, Sebastien or myself.

I will thus take advantage of the SNS module's update to uncover other new SNS features that stayed unnoticed.

Social Network Module Update
Social Network Module and other new features
As concerns the design updates, we have enlarged the thumbnails. Now the images of your SNS members are better visible. These enlarged thumbnails are also used for displaying comments.

As for the features, a new content type has been added to the module: all activities in your network.
As you may see on the above screenshot you can choose to display comments only or another activity but also all activities.

Unnoticed new features :)
There are some weeks that the following options are available:

- Possibility to connect with your SNS account to post a comment by clicking on the button "Connection" near the buttons "Twitter connect" and "Facebook connect"

- Clicking on the thumbnail of a user connected via SNS in the Comments will forward you to his profile.

- The Opt-in field can be added in the subscription form. This feature is worth a detailed description

Opt-in Field
Social Network Module and other new features
The opt-in e-mail address can be used in the context previously defined with your user. For more information, here is the wikipedia’s definition of the opt-in e-mail.

So that to gather and use the e-mails, you can activate the field Opt-in in the subscription form of your website.

As you may see above, the title of this field is modifiable.

Furthermore, by using the token [CGS]article:XXX, where XXX is the article number at your website, you can forward users to the General Conditions of Use related to the opt-in.

If you make this field required, it’s impossible to subscribe to the website if the opti-in case has not been checked. A visual feedback will be given to the user to precise this point.

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