Uploader 2.1 : strengthened security
Jerome Granados / Katia Jannin

But be releaved, it wasn't an imperative to apply the most bizarre tests on this nice uploader, because till then, none of you informed us about any bug.
The context
So what happened? Why such a challenge? To tell you so, I have to reveal all the rivalries that exist in the WMaker team, and that we keep silent on in the blog...
We work in a big open space, which has been set up again at the start of the year. The disposition of this space reveals to parts:
the FRONT OFFICE ( yeah, we're in that part!), and the BACK OFFICE ( booooooooooo !)
You also have to know that WMaker is composed of very teasing personnalities. Thus, between the back and the front, it's an everyday battle: unperceptible caustic remarks, jokes, attacks... I let you imagine.
Consequently, it happens sometimes that someone gets touchy, and takes up some challenges. That's what happened with our 2 specialists of the video, who belong ( please be nice with them ) to the backoffice :)
More seriously, congratulations to Christian and Samir for the work realized on the Uploader 2.1. Here's its principal caracteristics :
We work in a big open space, which has been set up again at the start of the year. The disposition of this space reveals to parts:
the FRONT OFFICE ( yeah, we're in that part!), and the BACK OFFICE ( booooooooooo !)
You also have to know that WMaker is composed of very teasing personnalities. Thus, between the back and the front, it's an everyday battle: unperceptible caustic remarks, jokes, attacks... I let you imagine.
Consequently, it happens sometimes that someone gets touchy, and takes up some challenges. That's what happened with our 2 specialists of the video, who belong ( please be nice with them ) to the backoffice :)
More seriously, congratulations to Christian and Samir for the work realized on the Uploader 2.1. Here's its principal caracteristics :
https Connexion
Compared with the 2.0 version, the security of your connexion to the backoffice via the uploader has been strengthened thanks to the https protocol.
The use of this protocol garanty the privacy and integrity of the information you send.
The use of this protocol garanty the privacy and integrity of the information you send.
A better gestion of file extentions
In the 2.0 version the file extentions were case-sensitive. It's not anymore. You can now drag and drop in the uploader either a .MPEG or a .mpeg
It's also possible to send 3gp files. It was a 2.0 version omission.
It's also possible to send 3gp files. It was a 2.0 version omission.
How to install it

1 - install ADOBE AIR.
2 - Install the new uploader version. The instal file is available in MANAGEMENT > Editorial staff > other publication methods > "uploader" tab
3 - Open your website publication API. MANAGEMENT > Editorial staff >other publication methods > "API" tab
4 - Choose the section in which will be placed the videos sent by the uploader.
Then, anytime you'll send a video from the uploader, a new article will be created. Its status will be "pending", and the video name will temporally be the article name.
Once the installation is complete, you'll see that icon on your desk. Use it to launch the Uploader 2.1