WebTv, few novelties we haven't talked about yet
Saveria Maroselli
We work daily on the WebTv, a big project is in progress, but we'll introduce here, little novelties that will make happy all the persons who have asked for them, and can be used by everyone elses too :)
On your WebTv, you can add many prerolls, we had some statistics, but we didn't displayed them in your back offices. End of January, we started to display the total of displays in the preroll list. Today, you (finally) have the daily details with all informations like all other ads and also an html5 charts.
Sticky ads and FaceBook
This new option turned up in the page Video settings, by ticking the concerned box, you can use StickyAds on your webtv, or embed and internal prerolls in substitution on FaceBook!
Playing your video on FaceBook
What does it mean? if you uncheck this option, your videos won't be read on FB.
Facebook cache system on your videos
Rendez-vous very soon for other news :)