Lauching V4 online help
Jerome Granados

This help will assist newcomers to quickly grasp how the CMS is working. For advanced users, it will give them all the keys to enhance their website.
Online help V4 is a big piece of work achieved by Lesia, Sarah, Federi and Jerome P. In some figures, it is :
- 4 sections
- 28 sub sections
- 146 questions / answers
- 286 screenshots
- 40 000 words
Help can be viewed from a new link in the top right corner of your back office.
Help content
Help is organised in 4 sections
Quick start guide. This firts section is mainly dedicated to newcomers. It presents the basics of the V4.
Tasks and functionality. In this section, you will find useful information about the daily use of your website.
Advanced functions and web services. Here, we go deeper in the use of web services and the use of added vale features like monetisation or profiling.
Module design and customisation. Step by step, we explain in this section how to customise your website.
In order to be as accurate and clear as possible, we add many screenshots to illustrate each answer.
Quick start guide. This firts section is mainly dedicated to newcomers. It presents the basics of the V4.
Tasks and functionality. In this section, you will find useful information about the daily use of your website.
Advanced functions and web services. Here, we go deeper in the use of web services and the use of added vale features like monetisation or profiling.
Module design and customisation. Step by step, we explain in this section how to customise your website.
In order to be as accurate and clear as possible, we add many screenshots to illustrate each answer.
Print help
Sometimes, it is easier to print an online document to read it. We didn't forget people who still like paper. We propose them a link to a page were help display is optimised for printing.
Note that this link is available for printing :
Note that this link is available for printing :
- the whole help
- a section
- a sub-section
Search engine
On the home page, we add a search engine.
The research is carried out on titles and messages body. In the results, sought expressions are displayed in bold
The research is carried out on titles and messages body. In the results, sought expressions are displayed in bold
Direct access from support pages
Before posting a question to the support team, we ask you to choose the theme of your question among a drop down list.
Now, this information allows us to show you the frequently asked questions related to the theme you have selected.
Now, this information allows us to show you the frequently asked questions related to the theme you have selected.
English version
Thanks to Sarah, we could launch the French and the English version of the online help at the same time.