Login in with OpenID : now live !
Jerome Granados

The use of OpenID is growing on the web. It is an answer to digital identity management issues. OpenID offers a free and easy way to use a single digital identity across the internet :
- With one OpenID you can login to all your favorites websites
- With your OpenID, you can very quickly register to a website, without filling all the necessary data
To login with your OpenID on OpenID-enabled sites, you only need to be previously registered on an OpenID-provider website (claimID, myOpenID, Yahoo, myID.net, Orange, ...). You manage your data within the OpenId-provider website, which gives you an OpenID looking like http://myID.MyOpenIDprovider.com
You use this identifier to login or to register on a website, following thoses steps :
Note that if your are already logged in on your OpenID provider website during your browsing session, step 3 is bypassed. Moreover, if you have already specified that Website A is a trusted site to your OpenID provider, step 4 is bypassed too.
We strongly believe that OpenID will be very useful for your users. They will be able to access your webservices more easily. Thanks to OpenID they will, in a few clicks, login to your site to post a message in your forum, register as a client in your e-shop, ... They won't have to fill in the long forms to become a new user of your site nor remember the login/password they obtained months ago (my login ?? ... jerome ? Oh no, there were already a Jérôme registered, it should be jerome2 ... or jerome234499 ... ???)
Well, as for me, I am going to create very quickly my OpenID, just before Jérôme does ... I hope ;)
You use this identifier to login or to register on a website, following thoses steps :
- You type and submit your OpenID on the OpenID login box of website A
- Website A redirects you to your OpenID provider authentication page
- You provide your password to login to your OpenID provider website
- You declare Website A as a trusted site on your OpenID provider website
- You are redirected to Website A, where your are logged in
Note that if your are already logged in on your OpenID provider website during your browsing session, step 3 is bypassed. Moreover, if you have already specified that Website A is a trusted site to your OpenID provider, step 4 is bypassed too.
We strongly believe that OpenID will be very useful for your users. They will be able to access your webservices more easily. Thanks to OpenID they will, in a few clicks, login to your site to post a message in your forum, register as a client in your e-shop, ... They won't have to fill in the long forms to become a new user of your site nor remember the login/password they obtained months ago (my login ?? ... jerome ? Oh no, there were already a Jérôme registered, it should be jerome2 ... or jerome234499 ... ???)
Well, as for me, I am going to create very quickly my OpenID, just before Jérôme does ... I hope ;)