New hosting

But we learned that the society who hosts our bay encounters big internal problems. Their technical support is almost unavailable. We don't know if these problems will be regulated but we don't want to take the risk of install a new server architecture in a failing operator.
We searched a new operator able to host our bay and to give the required guarantees, mid-November we signed a renting contract for a new bay in the Redbus data center (with another operator).
We decided to defer the installation of the new hosting architecture while waiting for the provision of this new bay. In order to put in place definitely our new hosting platform.
Phase 1 :
We move the machines in the night of Friday 25 to Saturday 26 (2 disconnection hours during the night from 00:00 pm).
Phase 2:
We put in place the new server architecture in the night of Friday 1 to Saturday 2 December. (1/2 disconnection hour during the night from 00:00)
The operation will permit to:
- Accelerate the posting of the pages,
- Offer video capacities in all sites,
- Have a reliable hosting.
Operations chronology
November 9:
Indeed we don't manage any more to join their technical hot line. After research we know that they have big internal problems.
November 12:
We decided to cancel the putting in place of our new server architecture for a new provider.
November 15:
We place an order with a provider who is located in the Redebus Data Center.
Thursday November 24:
Delivery of the new bay at 05:30 pm in the Redbus Data Center.
Friday November 25:
Putting in place of the Switch networks material (3Com and Cisco) and the 4 new servers.
Night of Friday 25 to Saturday 26 November:
Disconnection of WebzineMaker service and moving of servers to the new provider.
Disconnection at 00:00 pm
Reopening at 02:00 am
Week of November 28 to December 4:
We put in place the new architecture which will multiply by 3 our current power and above all permit to easily upgrade the server architecture.
Night of Friday 1 to Saturday 2:
Rocking to a new architecture.
Disconnection at 00:00 pm
Reopening at 00:30 am
End of the migration !
November 9:
Indeed we don't manage any more to join their technical hot line. After research we know that they have big internal problems.
November 12:
We decided to cancel the putting in place of our new server architecture for a new provider.
November 15:
We place an order with a provider who is located in the Redebus Data Center.
Thursday November 24:
Delivery of the new bay at 05:30 pm in the Redbus Data Center.
Friday November 25:
Putting in place of the Switch networks material (3Com and Cisco) and the 4 new servers.
Night of Friday 25 to Saturday 26 November:
Disconnection of WebzineMaker service and moving of servers to the new provider.
Disconnection at 00:00 pm
Reopening at 02:00 am
Week of November 28 to December 4:
We put in place the new architecture which will multiply by 3 our current power and above all permit to easily upgrade the server architecture.
Night of Friday 1 to Saturday 2:
Rocking to a new architecture.
Disconnection at 00:00 pm
Reopening at 00:30 am
End of the migration !