Reinforcement for last straightaway of the V4

We thought of being able to launch at the beginning of March but we had some difficulties on the hosting, as the spammer attacks (Ukrainia) and I don't tell you the Turkish attacks which gave us much work during two weekends.
In fact we are much less reactive on the hosting and we miss Gillian's experience. We were obliged to reduce the V4 team to regulate some maintenance problems of hosting platform.
About the hosting, I will publish a note more comprehensive but quickly we have just to make some big investment in material and we are composing an hosting team. It will be operational within one month.
About the V4, we finished the functional aspect, now we will working on :
- The back office pages optimization,
- The dash-board creation,
- The integration of some functions which you wanted.
We will finish that by one week in Paris in our graphics studio for global revision.