The statistics homepage now displays a dashboard, have you noticed?
With this summary table, in a quick glance, be aware of your statistics for the current month.
The dashboard is made of several blocs. It displays the datas for which it's interesting to follow the evolution (visits, video, mobile, bandwidth,...)
For some blocs, a direct link to the online help gives you explainations on the data. It's greatly useful if you're not sure about the difference between a "visit" and a "visitor" ;)
With this summary table, in a quick glance, be aware of your statistics for the current month.
The dashboard is made of several blocs. It displays the datas for which it's interesting to follow the evolution (visits, video, mobile, bandwidth,...)
For some blocs, a direct link to the online help gives you explainations on the data. It's greatly useful if you're not sure about the difference between a "visit" and a "visitor" ;)
New available statistics
The launch of the new dashboard comes with new statistics available.
Thus you can be aware of:
- the number of videos watched from the beginning of the month
- the number of podcasts listened from the beginning of the month
This data significantly lacked. You knew the statistics of the week and the statistics from the date the content has been put online. Now you have montly information and an history. To consult the previous month datas, use the dropdown menu above the dashboard.
Thus you can be aware of:
- the number of videos watched from the beginning of the month
- the number of podcasts listened from the beginning of the month
This data significantly lacked. You knew the statistics of the week and the statistics from the date the content has been put online. Now you have montly information and an history. To consult the previous month datas, use the dropdown menu above the dashboard.
The dashboard leads to more detailed statistics
Each bloc of the dashboard is clickable. Use them as a shortcut to reach detailled pieces of information about the concerned statistics.
There are also novelties in the detailed datas. I'll talk about it in another note that will be dedicated to the mobile statistics.
There are also novelties in the detailed datas. I'll talk about it in another note that will be dedicated to the mobile statistics.