General Conditions of Use in SNS Subscription

Bernardini Federi on Tuesday, November 16th 2010 I 0 Comment

Opt-in field

The field « opt-in » in the subscription form to the social network displays a check box, which (if it’s required), can be used to oblige a future subscriber to read and accept the General Conditions of Use, for example.
But you should give your potential subscribers access to the GCU.

There is a little trick to do this:

As you may have noticed, it’s possible to modify the title of the fields by clicking on it.
For example, if you click on “Opt-in”, you can modify the text. This is how you could make a link to GCU.

Draw up your GCU

However, first of all you should write a post with your GCU and make it invisible (publication status), unless you want to display CGU on your website of course.

Then, you’ll need to get a link to this post. To do it, click on Preview and copy the link displayed at the top of the page, like:

remove ?preview=1. 

Finally you’ll get

Create the link

Finally, make the opt-in field required in the subscription form to the social network (administration > profiling > settings), then click on the text and enter this code to create a link to your post.

General Conditions of Use in SNS Subscription

The text in brackets serves as a support to the link, url blank enables to open the link to a new page. 

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